Film Synopsis
Despite the difference in their ages, Alex and Victor become close
friends during the Gulf War. Several years later, Alex willingly
accepts an invitation to Victor's large house by the sea, to meet his
friend's young wife, Pétra. In no time at all, Alex
becomes enchanted by Pétra, a creature of rare charm and sensual
power. Pétra appears to be just as attracted to Alex,
although Victor's omnipresent mother puts the mockers on a promising
affair. In the end, Alex and Pétra can no longer contain
the intense physical longing they have for one
© James Travers
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Film Credits
- Director: Jean-Pierre Mocky
- Script: Gil Brewer (novel), Jean-Pierre Mocky
- Cinematographer: Jean-Paul Sergent
- Music: Vladimir Cosma
- Cast: Thierry Frémont (Alex),
Tom Novembre (Victor),
Nancy Tate (Petra),
Bruno Solo (Carré),
Catherine Lys (La mère de Victor),
Léa Seydoux (Jenny),
Dominique Zardi (Le fossoyeur)
- Country: France / UK
- Language: French / English
- Support: Color
- Runtime: 89 min