Bowling (2012) Directed by Marie-Castille Mention-Schaar
Film Synopsis
When she arrives in Carhaix, a town in the centre of Brittany, Catherine
has a huge weight on her mind. The new human resources manager for
an ailing hospital, she must instigate a major restructuring programme which
she knows will not be popular. After an awkward start, relations between
her and the hospital staff thaw and she is soon on friendly terms with
midwife Mathilde and paediatric nurse Firmine. In their spare time,
the three women go bowling together and start socialising with the woman
who runs the bowling club, Louise. Catherine will have her work cut
out when it is decided that she must axe the hospital's loss-making maternity
In his letters to his friends and family, Franz Kafka gives us a rich self-portrait that is surprisingly upbeat, nor the angst-ridden soul we might expect.