Film Synopsis
Marie Prieur is a 28-year-old, recently qualified doctor who is about
to take up her first post at Oudessant, a small island off the coast of
Brittany. She receives a lukewarm welcome from the locals; in
fact, the only person who seems pleased to see her is the old
schoolteacher, Mademoiselle Leblanc. Marie's first patient is a
young girl named Aline. Without the approval of Aline's parents,
Marie manages to cure her of her illness. This outcome brings
Marie to the attention of André Lorenzi, a young engineer, and a
passionate romance ensues, to the detriment of Marie's work. As
the young doctor becomes increasingly absentminded and careless in her
work, her friend Mademoiselle Leblanc makes an effort to bring her back
to reality...
© James Travers
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Film Credits
- Director: Jean Grémillon
- Script: René Fallet (dialogue),
Jean Grémillon (dialogue), René Wheeler (dialogue)
- Cinematographer: Louis Page
- Music: Elsa Barraine, Henri Dutilleux
- Cast: Micheline Presle (Dr. Marie Prieur),
Massimo Girotti (André Lorenzi),
Gaby Morlay (Germaine Leblanc),
Paolo Stoppa (Le curé),
Marc Cassot (Marcel),
Marius David (Lulu, l'adjoint d'André),
Yvette Etiévant (Fernande de Malgorny),
Roland Lesaffre (Yves),
Robert Naly (Dr. Morel),
Madeleine Geoffroy (Isabelle Morel),
Made Siamé (Joséphine),
France Asselin (Yvonne Le Quellec),
Laurence Badie (La fille du patron du bistrot),
Jacqueline Jehanneuf (La nouvelle institutrice),
Julien Carette (Le Quellec),
Émile Ronet,
Henri Marchand,
Robert Mercier,
Jean Péméja,
Georges Cadix
- Country: France / Italy
- Language: French
- Support: Black and White
- Runtime: 104 min
- Aka: The Love of a Woman