L'Invité (2007)
Directed by Laurent Bouhnik


Film Synopsis

Gérard is at the end of his tether.  Fifty-something, he has been unemployed for three years and the future looks grim.  Then he has the opportunity of getting a well-paid job in Indonesia.   To impress his future employer, Gérard invites him to dinner.  A fatal error!  When she hears about this, Gérard's wife Colette is sent into a panic.  Uncertain what to do, she turns to Alexandre, her neighbour, and enlists his help in giving their home, herself and her husband a brand new look.  Everything has to be perfect if Gérard is to secure his dream job.  But will Gérard's prospective employer be impressed by what he sees...?
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: Laurent Bouhnik
  • Script: David Pharao (novel)
  • Cinematographer: Jean-Paul Agostini
  • Cast: Daniel Auteuil (Gérard), Valérie Lemercier (Colette), Thierry Lhermitte (Alexandre), Hippolyte Girardot (Pontignac), Artus de Penguern (Bonnot), Pascale Dinizani (Fournier), Mar Sodupe (Sophia), Marianne Viard (La secrétaire), Ludovic Berthillot (Rudy), Michel Gondoin (L'automobiliste), Yan Dron (Le flic à vélo), Philippe du Janerand (Le candidat Fortineau), Christophe Vienne (Le moniteur), Thérèse Roussel (La voisine âgée), Jil Milan (Le candidat entretien de recrutement 1), Jean-Louis Barcelona (Le candidat entretien de recrutement 2), David Capelle (Le candidat entretien de recrutement 4), Alain de Catuelan (Le candidat entretien de recrutement 3), Stéphane Custers (Le candidat entretien de recrutement 5), Khalid Maadour (Le candidat entretien de recrutement 6)
  • Country: France
  • Language: French
  • Support: Color
  • Runtime: 86 min

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