La Famille Fenouillard (1960) Directed by Yves Robert
aka: The Fenouillard Family
Film Synopsis
The Fenouillard family have never set foot outside their home town of
Saint-Rémy, so when they decide to take a trip to Paris it is
quite an expedition. Unfortunately, the family get on the wrong
train and end up at the port of Le Havre. Before they realise what is
happening, they are on a boat bound for America...
Cast:Sophie Desmarets (Léocadie Fanouillard),
Jean Richard (Agénor Fenouillard),
Annie Sinigalia (Cunégonde),
Marie-José Ruiz (Artémise),
Madeleine Clervanne (Mme de Bréauté-Beuzeville),
Gérard Darrieu (Souris-Bibi),
Gilbert Denoyan (Harris),
Hubert Deschamps (Le maître d'école),
André Gille (Follichon),
Henri Virlojeux (Le commandant),
Georges Aubert (Bordure),
Bernard Blier (Un voyageur),
Bernard Charlan (Antoine Petit),
Philippe Desboeuf (La Charente),
Alain Dumoulin (Polydore),
Lucien Frégis (Un voyageur),
Daniel Goldenberg (Anatole),
Yves Robert (Le Coq),
André Weber (Nanca),
Bruno Balp
Country: France
Language: French
Support: Black and White
Runtime: 78 min
Aka:The Fenouillard Family
The greatest French Films of all time
With so many great films to choose from, it's nigh on impossible to compile a short-list of the best 15 French films of all time - but here's our feeble attempt to do just that.
In the 1940s, the shadowy, skewed visual style of 1920s German expressionism was taken up by directors of American thrillers and psychological dramas, creating that distinctive film noir look.
In the 1910s, French cinema led the way with a new industry which actively encouraged innovation. From the serials of Louis Feuillade to the first auteur pieces of Abel Gance, this decade is rich in cinematic marvels.
From its birth in 1895, cinema has been an essential part of French culture. Now it is one of the most dynamic, versatile and important of the arts in France.