Le Secret de Sarah Tombelaine (1991)
Directed by Daniel Lacambre

aka: The Secret of Sarah Tombelaine

Film Synopsis

According to the notice, "The Archangel Michael fought the Dragon and imprisoned it under an enormous rock that is known today as Mont Saint Michel."  Winter, 1991. The Mont is deserted.  Unaware of the curse attached to this place, Sarah is transformed into a strange creature that feeds the dragon on the dreams of sleeping men...
© James Travers
The above content is owned by frenchfilms.org and must not be copied.

Film Credits

  • Director: Daniel Lacambre
  • Script: Claude Gilbert, Daniel Lacambre, Tim Holm
  • Cinematographer: Philippe Théaudière
  • Music: Gérard Bourdieu
  • Cast: Irène Jacob (Sarah), Marc de Jonge (Kerguen), Harry Cleven (John), François Caron (David), Rémy Roubakha (Robert), Jenny Alpha (Jeanne), Jean-Michel Cannone (Le capitaine de gendarmerie), Gabriel Cattand (Bourjois), Claude Gilbert (Jean-Paul), Michel Jayat (Le patron du restaurant), Daniel Léger (Le garde champêtre), Jean Markale (Le prêtre), Jean-Paul Roussillon (Emile), Hélène Simonnet (Lili), Marie Bunel, Daniel Gesbet, Jean-Pierre Rambal
  • Country: France
  • Language: French
  • Support: Color
  • Runtime: 92 min
  • Aka: The Secret of Sarah Tombelaine

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