Le Tampon du capiston (1950)
Directed by Maurice Labro


Film Synopsis

Cochu is a humble country bumpkin who doesn't take kindly to army life.  The butt of his comrades' jokes, he isn't cheered when he is appointed his captain's orderly.  Somehow the appellation ' tampon du capiston' doesn't seem to sit comfortably on his shoulders, especially when his duties include servicing the needs of the captain's demanding sister Hortense.  The attitude of the captain and his female-dominated entourage suddenly changes when they learn that Cochu has inherited a substantial fortune.  Mindful of the social advantages that come with great wealth, Hortense is determined to marry the nouveau riche orderly, not knowing that he has already lost his heart to another woman.  Cochu of course ends up without a penny to his name, but at least he can marry the person he loves, a kind-hearted cook...
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: Maurice Labro
  • Script: Guillaume Hanoteau, Jacques Bever (play), André Mouézy-Éon (play), Alfred Vercourt (play)
  • Cinematographer: Jean Bachelet
  • Music: Richard Cornu
  • Cast: Rellys (Isidore Cochu), Jean Tissier (Commandant Fourcadet), Pauline Carton (Hortense Reverchon), Yves Robert (Pastini), Véra Norman (Yvonne Reverchon), Olivier Mathot (Lormois), Marthe Mercadier (Mélanie), Robert Seller (Le général Fénouil de Sainte-Fenouil), Amédée (Fricoteau), Alice Sapritch (La pharmacienne), Lucien Charbonnier (Me Pouponnet), Madeleine Barbulée (Une invitée), Titys (Un invité), Henri Niel (Le pharmacien), Roger Til (Le lieutenant), Frédéric Duvallès (Le capitaine Hector Reverchon), Marcel Loche (Le valet), Simone Silva, Demory, Alfred Arlais
  • Country: France
  • Language: French
  • Support: Black and White
  • Runtime: 95 min

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