Film Synopsis
Pauline Bonaparte, the preferred sister of the Emperor Napoléon, was
destined to lead a life that would be governed more by her brother's political
ambitions than her own desires. It was Napoléon's wish that
she should marry the wealthy proconsul of Marseille, Louis-Marie Fréron,
but whilst the match suited Pauline it was opposed by her mother Letizia.
Instead, she was forced to marry a French general, Charles Leclerc.
This was a hard blow for the young woman as she had already lost her heart
to another man, Jules de Canouville. Once Napoléon had appointed
Leclerc Governor General of Saint-Dominique, Pauline accompanied her husband
to the island, where they lived a privileged life until Leclerc fell ill
and died from yellow fever.
On her return to France, the still young widow had no shortage of admirers,
but her brother already had her next husband line up for her. A union
with the influential Prince Camillo Borghese would no doubt improve relations
between France and Italy, so Pauline had no alternative but to comply with
another forced alliance. It was not to be a happy marriage. Back
in Paris, Pauline had the good fortune to meet up with her former lover Jules
de Canouville. But all too soon the affair was over. With the
one true love of her life taken from her by her brother's Russian campaign,
Pauline was left alone and heart-broken...
© James Travers
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