Herbal teas and their health benefits

Herbal teas are good for both body and mind

The health benefits of herbal teas have been known for well over a thousand years. They provide natural cures for a whole range of physical and mental ailments, from indigestion, insomnia and nausea to migraine, hay fever and depression.
herbal teas in glasses
Drinking herbal teas regularly may also help to improve your skin complexion and could help you to lose weight. It will certainly help to improve your outlook on life, give a boost to your immune system and make you less dependent on pharmaceuticals.

The term 'herbal tea' is actually a misnomer as tea (be it the black, white or green variety) is strictly a beverage made from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. Herbal teas are more accurately referred to as herbal tisanes. They are infusions in - either hot or cold water - of one or more herbs, spices, flowers, seeds, bark and roots. Herbal teas are naturally caffeine-free and provide a healthy substitute for anyone who is caffeine intolerant and cannot consume tea or coffee.

There are many things that make herbal teas such an appealing beverage. In addition to their proven medicinal value, they have a pleasant fragrance and subtle, often comforting flavour which help you to relax in both body and mind. You should never add sugar or artificial sweeteners to herbal teas, although some taste better with a shot of lemon or mixed with honey.

The drinking of tea has long been a social tradition - what better way to enjoy the company of friends and relatives than with a healthy and invigorating herbal tea? To remain healthy you need to consume at least two litres of water a day, so drinking herbal tea regularly can help you to meet this basic hydration need.

And herbal teas are so readily available and affordable that you have no excuse for not trying them. There is an extraordinarily wide range of herbal teas available in teabag form, but you may prefer to make your own from fresh ingredients grown in your own garden or bought from your local grocer's store or supermarket.

To get the full benefit of herbal tea, it should always be steeped in water for between five and ten minutes, in a closed container. Just place the teabag in a cup or mug, add water (if hot, wait for the water to cool for a minute after it has boiled), cover with a small dish, and wait for five to ten minutes before drinking.

I like to pour my tea into a glass, rather than drink from a cup, to better appreciate its seductive golden colour. There's something almost sacred about the ritual of drinking herbal tea. It is a beatific, life-affirming experience. Much better than popping a pill or taking a swig of sugared water.

Below I have compiled a list of the most popular and beneficial herbal teas. There are many, many others, but the ones below are those that I particularly recommend. Please note that some of these have unpleasant side-effects and should be consumed in moderation.

My favourites herbal teas are ginger tea and fennel tea, both of which are remarkably effective against heartburn and indigestion. Ginger tea also makes a good pick-me-up and is the best treatment I know of for nausea. I'd also recommend camomile tea if you want to ensure a good night's sleep and rooibos tea makes a very pleasant alternative to black and green tea. If, like me, you are susceptible to headaches, rooibos tea will help enormously.

Camomile tea (chamomile tea)

The principal benefit of camomile tea is that it helps you to sleep more easily. It is simply one of the best natural cures for insomnia - if taken one hour before bedtime you will soon feel drowsy and your quality of sleep will be significantly improved. Made from the flowers of a form of daisy, this delightfully fragrant herbal tea is also one of the best cures for indigestion. If you suffer from heartburn or acid reflux, drinking this straight after a meal will usually provide instant relief. The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are greatly eased by camomile tea. It can also help to relieve aches and pains, as well as the symptoms associated with colds, including coughs and a sore throat.

Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon is one of the most seductive of spices. It adds a rich, exotic flavour to a whole range of sweet dishes and goes particularly well with apple. Add to rolled oats, it makes the most appetising of breakfasts. It also makes a delicious and healthy drink when steeped in hot water. Served with honey, it is effective against viruses and can help to relieve indigestion. Cinnamon has many longterm health benefits - it can lower blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. This spice comes in two varieties - Ceylon and Cassia. The Ceylon variety is by far the healthiest option but it is more expensive and hard to come by. The cheaper, more readily available Cassia variety should only be used in smaller quantities as it can be harmful if consumed to excess.

Dandelion tea

The French word for dandelion is pissenlit, which reveals the plant's main health benefit as a powerful diuretic, helping you to pass water more easily. The humble dandelion is one of the most effective natural treatments for constipation and can also provide some relief from arthritis. Made from the leaves and roots of the plant, dandelion tea is a healthy drink that is tasty and rich in vitamins.

Echinacea tea

Echinacea is a herb containing many active ingredients which can boost the immune system and provide relief from a wide range of conditions. Its efficacy in the treatment of colds and influenza is well-known, but echinacea can also be used to treat acid indigestion, migraines, rheumatism, herpes and chronic fatigue syndrome. Drinking echinacea tea regularly may give you some resistance to cold and 'flu viruses.

Fennel tea

fennel plant
One of the joys of having a fennel bush in your garden is that you can gather the seed and turn these into a delicious and healthy hot beverage - simply crush the seed with a mortar and pestle, steep in hot water for ten minutes and strain into a cup. The health benefits of fennel have been known for thousands of years and there probably is no better cure for bloating and flatulence. If your entire digestive system feels distinctly kaput after a meal, drinking fennel tea will provide instant relief. If you suffer from IBS, fennel tea could well be your best friend. It is a delicious, soothing beverage with many other medicinal properties. Being rich in antioxidants, fennel brings many longterm benefits - it can help lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and stokes.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea is one of the most comforting and healthiest of herbal teas. Not only does it instantly lift your spirits when you are feeling under the weather, it is also an effective remedy for an upset stomach and nausea. It never fails to give you a boost when you are going down with a cold and it by far the best cure for motion sickness. Ginger tea can also lower the level of bad cholesterol in your blood and provides some relief from arthritis and rheumatism. It may even help you to lose weight but the main reason why it is so popular is its taste. It is deliciously spicy.

Hibiscus tea

Hibiscus is not only a very attractive plant, it also makes a delicious herbal tea, one that can lower your blood pressure and help with weight loss. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, hibiscus tea can lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cancer. It can also boost your immune system and help you to sleep more easily.

Lemon balm tea

Delicious both as a hot and iced beverage, lemon balm tea has a strong citrusy smell that instantly lifts your mood and makes you feel more relaxed. As well as being a natural anti-depressant, it also provides relief from headaches, flatulence and toothache, and it can also lower blood pressure and improve digestion. Lemon balm is also rich in antioxidants and has many antibacterial and antiviral benefits. It is an effective treatment against a whole range of conditions, including eczema, mumps, and herpes.

Liquorice tea

Liquorice tea is effective in treating digestive disorders and is particularly beneficial for sufferers of heartburn and acid reflux. It has a peculiarly strong, sweet aftertaste which makes it comforting if you have an upset stomach. It can be used to treat ulcers and may assist in weight loss, although there are health risks associated with drinking this herbal tea on a regular basis. The unpleasant side-effects of liquorice tea include high blood pressure and headaches, and it may increase the risk of a heart attack for some people. If you have health problems, you should always consult your doctor before consuming liquorice.

Nettle tea

Ever since the Middle Ages, nettle tea has been used as a diuretic, and this is its most widespread application today. Nettle is remarkably effective in treating urinary tract infections, but it can also be effective against osteoarthritis and allergies. Nettle is a natural antihistamine and can be used to cure hay fever. It may also help to promote hair growth and improve your skin complexion. Whilst most people can safely drink two or three cups of nettle tea a day, doing so can be harmful for pregnant women and people with certain medical conditions (including heart and kidney disorders).

Peppermint tea

The main benefit of peppermint tea is to fend off cold symptoms - a blocked-up nose, sore throat and upset stomach. It is also effective in curing flatulence and bloating, and its strong minty fragrance helps to relieve stress. This herbal tea should be consumed in moderation and is not recommended for anyone suffering from acid reflux or heartburn, which it may aggravate.

Rooibos tea (redbush tea)

Effective against insomnia and headaches, it is not hard to see why the pleasantly tasting rooibos tea is gaining in popularity. It is safe to drink all day long (as an alternative to black or green tea) and has many additional health benefits. It can be used as a treatment against eczema, indigestion, hypertension and some allergies. Rich in vitamins (notably vitamin C) and antioxidants, drinking rooibos tea regularly can not only boost your immune system, it can also slow down the ageing process and reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases.

© James Travers 2016

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