Film Synopsis
Régis Deloux is an ordinary maths teacher in an ordinary French high
school in Montreuil. Years of living alone have made him a twisted,
bitter man, and his main pleasure in life is marking his pupil's work with
the severity of a medieval torturer. Then, one day, this most ordinary
of losers finds he has the most extraordinary of talents - he can enter and
leave films! On hearing of this, Fernandel calls him up and appeals
to him to come to the aid of his girlfriend, who has been taken prisoner
by a psychopath in a silent film. It is the kind of adventure that
Régis had long dreamed off, a chance to prove himself a real hero
instead of a mean so-and-so whose only achievement in life is to inflict
untold suffering on school children with algebra and differential equations.
Without delay, the maths teacher throws himself into his mission and is soon
hurtling back through the history of cinema to show that anything Douglas
Fairbanks can do he can do better...
© James Travers
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Film Credits
- Director: Yann Moix
- Script: Olivier Dazat, Yann Moix
- Cinematographer: Jérôme Alméras, Rémy Chevrin
- Cast: Marisa Berenson (Lady Lindon),
Lucy Gordon (Viviane Cook),
Pierre Richard (Le professeur de mathématiques), Michel Galabru (Le médecin),
Anne Marivin (Sidonie), Franck Dubosc (Régis Deloux),
Pierre-François Martin-Laval (Douglas Craps), Jean-Christophe Bouvet (Monsieur Coq - le proviseur),
Victoria Bedos (Maud),
Jean-Baptiste Iera (Le chef de chantier), Olivier Dazat (Le réceptionniste),
Julien Enthoven (Combourieux),
Thomas Demarez (Mamesse),
Jean-Michel Balthazar (Le brocanteur),
Sandra Truong (La patronne du bar),
Sylvain Dall'Arche (Frère Tuck),
Laurent Van den Rest (Petit Jean),
Olivier Mag (Helmut),
Shalimar Debru (Fabienne)
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Support: Color
- Runtime: 90 min