L'Année suivante (2007)
Directed by Isabelle Czajka


Film Synopsis

Emmanuelle is a restless 17 year old girl who finds it increasingly difficult to deal with the upheavals of adolescence.  She lives in the less desirable suburbs of Paris with her mother, from whom she is becoming ever more distanced.  As her mother begins seeing another man, Emmanuelle becomes more emotionally dependent on her father, who is now laid up in hospital.  The teenager's fragile world suddenly comes crashing down when her father dies, leaving her to cope as best she can in a loveless world without any parental support or guidance.  For her, school becomes a prison and she finds it impossible to keep up with her studies.  Even her friend Aïssa appears unable to help her.  The last straw comes when her mother tells her that she intends selling the family apartment so that she can move in with her new lover.  Emmanuelle is teetering on the edge of an abyss when another shock hits her...
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: Isabelle Czajka
  • Script: Isabelle Czajka
  • Cinematographer: Denis Gaubert
  • Music: Éric Neveux
  • Cast: Ariane Ascaride (Nadine), Anaïs Demoustier (Emmanuelle), Patrick Catalifo (Roland Benoit), Bernard Le Coq (François), Cécile Thiercelin (L'hotesse), Coura Traoré (Aïssa), Mata Gabin, Sylviane Goudal, Dan Herzberg, Salim Kechiouche
  • Country: France
  • Language: French
  • Support: Color
  • Runtime: 91 min

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