Film Review
Despite some above average production values, this is a very dry political satire which
never seems to get going. Although the performances from its stars, particularly
Serrault and Trintignant, are up to scratch, the characters are generally uninteresting
and appear disinterested in what is happening to them. There are some nice comic
touches, and the ending is quite dramatic. But the film doesn't really have a clear
theme, which is both unsatisfying and irritating.
The parallels with the real-life President of France are there (Trintigant's President
bears more than a passing similarity to François Mitterand), but are hardly
subtle. You are left with the feeling that what could have been a very astute political
satire has ended up as a rather mediocre suspense drama.
© James Travers 2001
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Next Francis Girod film:
Lacenaire (1990)
Film Synopsis
For Claire Despres, a talented young fashion designer, the theft of her handbag
in broad daylight ought to be a matter of personal inconvenience, nothing
more. The fact that the bag contains a compromising letter, written
to her by the man who is now the President of France, lends the theft a considerable
seriousness, the extent of which Claire is yet to fully appreciate.
Ten years ago, the young woman had an affair with the future President which
resulted in her giving birth to their illegitimate offspring. In the
letter, the reluctant father begged Claire never to divulge the existence
of the child. If the contents of the letter were to be made public,
it would at the very least provoke a political crisis, and might even bring
an ignominious end to the President's career in public life.
Once he has been tipped off by Claire, the Minister of the Interior wastes
no time in setting in motion a massive police hunt to find the thief who
stole her bag. Whilst the thief, Pierre, remains blissfully in the
dark as to the significance of the stolen letter, a friend of his, a seasoned
journalist named Hubert, immediately recognises its value and hides it away
until he can make use of it. Realising he may have got himself into
very deep water, Pierre goes on the run from the police, but manages to get
himself knocked down by a car. This is just the pretext Hubert needs
to put the damning contents of the letter into print. It will be the
last thing he does...
© James Travers
The above content is owned by and must not be copied.