Le Deal (2007)
Directed by Jean-Pierre Mocky

Comedy / Crime

Film Synopsis

In the course of an argument, Hervé Radius, a well-paid manager in a petroleum company, accidentally causes the death of his mistress.  The killing is witnessed by Victor, who attempts to bribe Hervé.  The latter offers him a place in his house, which he accepts.  Victor then dies in another accident and, to save his skin, Hervé looks for someone to give him an alibi...
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: Jean-Pierre Mocky
  • Script: Jean-Pierre Mocky, André Ruellan
  • Cinematographer: Jean-Paul Sergent
  • Music: Vladimir Cosma
  • Cast: Jean-Claude Dreyfus (Hervé Radius), Jackie Berroyer (Inspecteur Castang), Jean-François Stévenin (Victor Anselme), Alison Arngrim (Edith), Dominique Zardi (Commissaire Mustang), Noël Simsolo (L'abbé), Sarah Barzyk (Danielle), Patricia Barzyk (Priscilla), Christian Chauvaud (Le SDF), Michel Stobac (L'inspecteur), Jean Abeillé (Le frère de Castang), Jean-Pierre Clami (Un député), Nadia Vasil (Jacotte Radius), Renaud (Le chanteur des rues), Freddy Bournane (Le prof de relaxation sexuelle), Jean-Pierre Mocky (Un SDF), Jean-Pierre Le Cloarec, Jean-Jacques Malherbe, Samantha Benoît, Mélanie Decroix
  • Country: France
  • Language: French
  • Support: Color
  • Runtime: 87 min

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