Les Chemins de Katmandou (1969)
Directed by André Cayatte

aka: Dirty Dolls in Kathmandu

Film Synopsis

Olivier is a young man who, having participated in the events of May 1968, becomes disappointed when things get back to normal.  His mother, Martine, is a model who hides her age and the existence of her son so that she can keep her job.  She has not received a centime in alimony from her husband after he walked out on her, several years ago.  Hoping to collect the money that is due to his mother, Olivier sets out for Nepal, where his father works arranging hunts for millionaires.  Here, he falls in with three hippies, one of whom, Jane, offers him free love.  A painful reunion with his father plunges the young man into a profound confusion.  When he next sees Jane Olivier barely recognises her, as she has been ravaged by drugs.  To save the wretched woman he is ready to involve himself in criminal activities...
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: André Cayatte
  • Script: André Cayatte, René Barjavel (novel)
  • Cinematographer: Andréas Winding
  • Music: Serge Gainsbourg
  • Cast: Pascale Audret (Yvonne), Jane Birkin (Jane), Serge Gainsbourg (Ted), Elsa Martinelli (Martine), David O'Brien (Jacques), Renaud Verley (Olivier), Steve Eckardt (Gregory), Gilberte Géniat (La bouchère), Mike Marshall (Harold), Marc Michel (Marss), Sacha Pitoëff (Le chef de l'organisation), Jean-Paul Tribout (Patrick), Arlene Dahl (Laureen), Gérard Croce (Le garçon boucher), Serge Kochyne (Sven), Xanti Valio
  • Country: France / Italy
  • Language: French
  • Support: Color (Eastmancolor)
  • Runtime: 100 min
  • Aka: Dirty Dolls in Kathmandu ; The Pleasure Pit

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