Paulette (2013)
Directed by Jérôme Enrico


Film Synopsis

Paulette, a former pastry cook, now finds herself living alone on a low-income Parisian housing estate, struggling to get by with her miserly pension.  As times goes on, she feels she is getting poorer and poorer, until she has to suffer the final indignity of having the bailiffs coming to take away her personal possessions.  Enough is enough.  Everyone else on the estate seems to be flush with cash.  Why shouldn't she do what her downstairs neighbours do, and indulge in a spot of drugs dealing?  With the help of Vito, the leader of a drugs peddling gang, Paulette launches herself on her new career with gusto.  By putting her former cookery skills to good use she soon finds she has a lucrative little business.  And there's no shortage of demand for new home produce!  Within no time, the old woman has not only a thriving enterprise but also a renewed zest for living...
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: Jérôme Enrico
  • Script: Laurie Aubanel, Bianca Olsen, Cyril Rambour, Jérôme Enrico (dialogue)
  • Cast: Bernadette Lafont (Paulette), Carmen Maura (Maria), Betty Bayen (Debbie), Brigitte Boucher (La dame de l'ascenseur), Kamel Laadaili (Momo), Fabrice Colson (Manifestant), Yvonne Gradelet (Ginette), Fabrice Robert (Le représentant en encyclopedies), Lionnel Astier, Françoise Bertin, Axelle Laffont, Dominique Lavanant, Yvonnick Muller, Pascal N'Zonzi, André Penvern
  • Country: France
  • Language: French
  • Support: Color
  • Runtime: 87 min

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