Film Synopsis
For Jeanne, life has become one never-ending round of disappointments.
How foolish she must have been, as a little girl, to think that one day she
would be a film star or a princess! Things like that don't happen to
people of her class, people who spend their entire lives struggling to make
ends meet and living on rundown estates in the suburbs. Jeanne still
has her daydreams, her extravagant flights of fancy, but these have become
a kind of palliative to get her through her uneventful days. And she
needs all the palliative she can get, sharing a grotty house in an even grottier
part of town with her partner Albert, her parents, her sister Mathilde and
her mother-in-law Catherine. And then there is Julien, Albert's son
from a previous disastrous relationship - it is left to Jeanne to bring him
up and keep him out of trouble. That in itself is a full-time job.
To think that Albert once had a respectable career! Now he works as
a lowly night watchman in a shopping mall - a humiliating step down.
Julien has never had a particularly harmonious relationship with his father,
but Albert has good reason to be angry when his wayward son manages to get
Annie - a girl he barely knows - pregnant. The girls' parents, a pair
of decent shopkeepers, refuse to let the lad come anywhere near their daughter.
Julien continues his campaign of adolescent rebellion by stealing a car and
getting himself arrested. Jeanne is hardly surprised when her partner
forbids any member of the family from contacting his son whilst he is in
prison. After his release a year later, Julien appeals to Jeanne to
take a letter from him to Annie. In her fanciful desire to bring about
the happy ending for Julien and his girlfriend, Jeanne does all that she
© James Travers
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