Taking Lives (2004)
Directed by D.J. Caruso

Crime / Drama / Thriller

Film Synopsis

Illeana Scott is an FBI profiler who probes the minds of killers.  She has a talent, based on instinct, for spotting and capturing the most dangerous and most wanted criminals.  In Montreal, a team of detective call on her services in an attempt to penetrate the devious mind of a serial killer.  A long and meticulous study of her subjects leads Illeana to conclude that he is someone with a compulsive desire to steal lives, to usurp the identities of his victims.  But the local police are sceptical of her abilities and would rather put their trust in more orthodox methods.  Increasingly marginalised, Illeana soon finds herself caught up in a terrifying adventure where the only person she can rely on is herself...
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: D.J. Caruso
  • Script: Michael Pye, Jon Bokenkamp
  • Cinematographer: Amir M. Mokri
  • Music: Philip Glass, Walter Werzowa
  • Cast: Angelina Jolie (Illeana), Ethan Hawke (Costa), Kiefer Sutherland (Hart), Gena Rowlands (Mrs. Asher), Olivier Martinez (Paquette), Tchéky Karyo (Leclair), Jean-Hugues Anglade (Duval), Paul Dano (Young Asher), Justin Chatwin (Matt Soulsby), André Lacoste (Cashier), Billy Two Rivers (Car Salesman), Richard Lemire (Québec City Cop), Julien Poulin (Québec City Inspector), Marie-Josée Croze (Medical Examiner), Christian Tessier (Interrogation Officer)
  • Country: France
  • Language: French
  • Support: Color
  • Runtime: 109 min

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