Laurence Ferreira Barbosa is a French film director and screenwriter. She was born in Versailles, France in 1958.
Her best films as a screenwriter include J'ai horreur de l'amour (1997),
Cédric Kahn's L'Ennui (1998) and
Feux rouges (2004), and whose best work as a film director include J'ai horreur de l'amour (1997),
Ordo (2004) and
Soit je meurs, soit je vais mieux (2008).
Laurence Ferreira Barbosa has so far scripted 10 films, directed 6 films and appeared in 1 film.
She has most frequently worked with the following directors: Cédric Kahn (3 films).
Her most frequent genres include: drama (5 films) and comedy-drama (4).
Our average rating for Laurence Ferreira Barbosa over all films is: 3.3
With so many great films to choose from, it's nigh on impossible to compile a short-list of the best 15 French films of all time - but here's our feeble attempt to do just that.