Paul Frankeur


Biography: life and films

Paul Frankeur was a French film actor. He was born in Paris, France on 29 June 1905 and died in Nevers, France on 26 October 1974. A highly respected actor, he appeared in over 80 French and Italian films.
© James Travers 2017
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Key: a = actor

Nous les gosses (1941) [a]

Croisières sidérales (1942) [a]

La Nuit fantastique (1942) [a]

Madame et le mort (1943) [a]

Une étoile au soleil (1943) [a]

Service de nuit (1944) [a]

La Cage aux rossignols (1945) [a]

La Fille aux yeux gris (1945) [a]

Les Enfants du paradis (1945) [a]

Étoile sans lumière (1946) [a]

La Fille du diable (1946) [a]

Le Couple idéal (1946) [a]

Le Père tranquille (1946) [a]

Messieurs Ludovic (1946) [a]

Contre-enquête (1947) [a]

Les Amants du pont Saint-Jean (1947) [a]

Les Casse-pieds (1948) [a]

Au p'tit zouave (1949) [a]

Histoires extraordinaires (1949) [a]

Jour de fête (1949) [a]

Monseigneur (1949) [a]

Retour à la vie (1949) [a]

Premières armes (1950) [a]

Passion (1951) [a]

Sous le ciel de Paris (1951) [a]

Le Banquet des fraudeurs (1952) [a]

Nous sommes tous des assassins (1952) [a]

Horizons sans fin (1953) [a]

Jeunes mariés (1953) [a]

L'Étrange désir de Monsieur Bard (1953) [a]

Suivez cet homme (1953) [a]

Thérèse Raquin (1953) [a]

Avant le déluge (1954) [a]

Huis clos (1954) [a]

Le Petit nuage/La chasse au nuage/Le nuage atomique (1954) [a]

Touchez pas au grisbi (1954) [a]

Interdit de séjour (1955) [a]

Je suis un sentimental (1955) [a]

Le Crâneur (1955) [a]

Le Dossier noir (1955) [a]

Nana (1955) [a]

Razzia sur la Chnouf (1955) [a]

Le Sang à la tête (1956) [a]

Les Assassins du dimanche (1956) [a]

Le Rouge est mis (1957) [a]

Oeil pour oeil (1957) [a]

Reproduction interdite (1957) [a]

Le Désordre et la nuit (1958) [a]

Les Copains du dimanche (1958) [a]

Une balle dans le canon (1958) [a]

Archimède, le clochard (1959) [a]

Le Fauve est lâché (1959) [a]

Maigret et l'affaire Saint-Fiacre (1959) [a]

Marie-Octobre (1959) [a]

Minute papillon (1959) [a]

Voulez-vous danser avec moi? (1959) [a]

Le Panier à crabes (1960) [a]

Quai du Point-du-Jour (1960) [a]

Jugez-les bien (1961) [a]

La Viaccia (1961) [a]

Le Gentleman d'Epsom (1962) [a]

Un singe en hiver (1962) [a]

Commissaire mène l'enquête (1963) [a]

Le Voyage à Biarritz (1963) [a]

Maigret voit rouge (1963) [a]

La Corde au cou (1964) [a]

Nick Carter va tout casser (1964) [a]

Le Tonnerre de Dieu (1965) [a]

La Longue marche (1966) [a]

Le Deuxième souffle (1966) [a]

On a volé la Joconde (1966) [a]

Faut pas prendre les enfants du bon Dieu pour des canards sauvages (1968) [a]

La Voie lactée (1969) [a]

Mon oncle Benjamin (1969) [a]

Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie (1972) [a]

Poil de carotte (1972) [a]

Dédé la tendresse (1974) [a]

Le Cri du coeur (1974) [a]

Le Fantôme de la liberté (1974) [a]

La Balançoire à minouches (1977) [a]

The best French Films of the 1920s
In the 1920s French cinema was at its most varied and stylish - witness the achievements of Abel Gance, Marcel L'Herbier, Jean Epstein and Jacques Feyder.
The very best of German cinema
German cinema was at its most inspired in the 1920s, strongly influenced by the expressionist movement, but it enjoyed a renaissance in the 1970s.
The best of Russian cinema
There's far more to Russian movies than the monumental works of Sergei Eisenstein - the wondrous films of Andrei Tarkovsky for one.
Continental Films, quality cinema under the Nazi Occupation
At the time of the Nazi Occupation of France during WWII, the German-run company Continental produced some of the finest films made in France in the 1940s.
The best of Japanese cinema
The cinema of Japan is noteworthy for its purity, subtlety and visual impact. The films of Ozu, Mizoguchi and Kurosawa are sublime masterpieces of film poetry.

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