Film Synopsis
Benoit lives happily in the country, far from the hubbub of city life
which he has grown to hate. He only ventures to the city to sell
the wooden toys he has made, the products of his fertile imagination
and nimble fingers. One day, he meets Lila, who has recently
completed a stretch in prison, and cannot help falling in love with
© James Travers
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Film Credits
- Director: Manuel Poirier
- Script: Manuel Poirier
- Cinematographer: Nara Keo Kosal
- Music: Charlélie Couture
- Cast: Benoît Régent (Benoît),
Judith Henry (Lila),
Sergi López (Pablo),
Jean-Jacques Vanier (Gaston),
Serge Riaboukine (Emile),
Elisabeth Commelin (Mylène),
Laure Duthilleul (Françoise),
Élisabeth Vitali (Cathy),
Céline Poirier (Céline),
M. Vanheule (Céline's father),
Diane Valsonne (Florence),
Véronique Delestaing (Nadine),
Dorine Hollier (Sandra),
Vanille Attié,
Pierre Banderet,
Olivier Broche,
Benjamin Delamare,
Richard Delange,
Philippe Duquesne,
Frédéric Galeppe
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Support: Color
- Runtime: 108 min
- Aka: In the Country ;
Out in the Country