Ne prends pas les poulets pour des pigeons (1985)
Directed by Jean Rollin


Film Synopsis

Cellier and Lesourd are two incompetent police inspectors who are sent by their superintendent, Bricot, to a small village on the Riviera. Their mission is to try to dismantle a heroine trafficking operation which is being run from a factory that manufactures carnival masks - 'try' being the operative word...
© James Travers
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Film Credits

  • Director: Jean Rollin
  • Script: Jean-Claude Benhamou
  • Cinematographer: Quinto Albicocco
  • Music: Jean-Claude Benhamou, Alex Perdigon
  • Cast: Jean-Marie Vauclin (Inspecteur Lesourd), Jean-Claude Benhamou (Inspecteur Cellier), Popeck (Paul le pirate), Michel Galabru (Commissaire Dufresne), Gérard Landry (Blanchard), René Tramoni (Bricot), Brigitte Borghese, Christian Forges, Claudia Silver, Cécile Laligan, Yvette Arnaud
  • Country: France
  • Language: French
  • Support: Color
  • Runtime: 80 min

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