3x3D (2014)
Directed by Jean-Luc Godard, Peter Greenaway

Comedy / Drama

Film Review

Abstract picture representing 3x3D (2014)
In this groundbreaking cinematic exploit, three acclaimed film directors let their imagination rip and take us on a magical mystery tour that explores the spectacular potentialities of 3D cinema.  Peter Greenaway's Just in Time compresses two thousand years of history into a single tracking shot that lasts twenty minutes.  Jean-Luc Godard's Les Trois désastres offers a bewildering collage of sound and image that deconstructs cinema's ambiguous association with perspective.  In Cinesapiens, Edgar Pêra takes a more amusing diversion that shows the fun possibilities offered by 3D.  This challenging but inspired film opens the door to radically different approaches to cinema at the start of a new millennium.
© James Travers 2017
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Next Jean-Luc Godard film:
Tous les garçons s'appellent Patrick (1959)

Film Synopsis

In the ancient Portuguese city of Guimarães, three internationally renowned filmmakers - Peter Greenaway, Edgard Pêra  and Jean-Luc Godard - come together to explore the exciting new phenomenon of 3D cinema and its impact on our perception of the seventh art through three short and highly innovative films.  Greenaway's Just in Time takes the city of Guimarães as its subject for a breakneck journey through two thousand years of culture and history.  Godard's The Three Disasters is a dazzling montage of stark image and punchy philosophical sound-bites that reflects the director's brazenly intellectualised approach to cinema.  With Cinesapiens, Pera takes us into a wild dreamscape of the imagination, where the addition of the third dimension allows practically anything to become possible...
© James Travers
The above content is owned by frenchfilms.org and must not be copied.

Film Credits

  • Director: Jean-Luc Godard, Peter Greenaway, Edgar Pêra
  • Script: Jean-Luc Godard, Peter Greenaway, Edgar Pêra
  • Cinematographer: Luís Branquinho, Reinier van Brummelen
  • Cast: Keith Davis (Cinesapiens), Leonor Keil (Cinesapiens), Ângela Marques (Cinesapiens), Nuno Melo (Cinesapiens), Miguel Monteiro (Just in Time), Jorge Prendas (Cinesapiens), Carolina Amaral
  • Country: France / Portugal
  • Language: French / English / Portuguese
  • Support: Color
  • Runtime: 70 min

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