Film Synopsis
If she had had her way, Amélie Bodin would have been born in a
chic quarter of Paris. Her mother would have been a princess and
her father would have dressed smartly, like the President. They
would have lived in a nice house, as big as a castle with red curtains
and light everywhere. The problem is that no one bothered to ask
what she wanted. So she was born in the middle of a field and her
life has been anything but a fairytale...
© James Travers
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Film Credits
- Director: Eric Le Roch
- Script: Vincent Dubois,
Jean-Christophe Fraiscinet,
Eric Le Roch
- Cinematographer: Wilfrid Sempé
- Music: Alain Bernard
- Cast: Jean-Christophe Fraiscinet (Christian Bodin),
Vincent Dubois (Maria Bodin),
Muriel Dubois,
Rebecca Hampton,
Serge Hazanavicius,
Thierry Beccaro
- Country: France
- Language: French
- Support: Color
- Runtime: 80 min